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Schedule a Tour

Schedule a Tour

See First Hand Why Milestone Academy is Your Best Choice

Join us for a comprehensive tour of the Milestone Academy facility as we answer any questions you may have regarding your family’s specific child care and preschool needs. Whether in person or via Zoom, our tours typically take between 30 and 45 minutes to complete as they are designed to engage with your family to find the best curriculum and care options for your child.

1. Select A Date

2. Email Confirmation

3. Tour Facility


1. Select A Date


2. Email Confirmation


3. Tour Facility


Now’s the Time to Schedule a Tour!

The choice you make for your child’s education and development is one of if not the most important decision you’ll ever make. Schedule your tour today and help your child take their first step toward a bright and promising future.

Automatically get placed on our tour calendar without having to place a call or wait in line. Simply select the desired date and time when filling out this form:


Family Peace of Mind

Milestone Academy understands today’s often hectic schedule for parents who live in Las Vegas and Henderson. Rest assured, however, as we are set up to accommodate your family’s busy schedule, providing your child with the care they need and giving you peace of mind.

Interested in Scheduling a Tour?

The choice you make for your child's education and development is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make. Schedule a tour today and help your child take the first step toward their bright and promising future.

Schedule a Tour